Installing Kibana for Visualizing ElasticSearch Documents on tutor

This is just a FYI post.

If you are working with Discovery Service APIs, then you would need to be comfortable with the ElasticSearch indexes and documents in Open edX. Kibana is a useful tool to visualize the elasticsearch documents, to aid your troubleshooting.

You can simply setup Kibana on a tutor instance by running a single command:

tutor Local Instance
docker run -d --name kibana_local --net tutor_local_default -p 5601:5601 -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200 kibana:4.1.3

tutor Dev Instance
docker run -d --name kibana_dev --net tutor_dev_default -p 5601:5601 -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200 kibana:4.1.3

Accessing Kibana on Browser
http://< hostname >:5601

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Thanks for this @kmurthyhegde! You should create a Kibana plugin for Tutor :wink:

Be careful when exposing port 5601: the way you run the container means that the Kibana interface is visible by the rest of the world. I created something similar for the journal plugin and decided to expose the Kibana interface via Nginx with basic authentication.

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Thanks @regis for the pointers. Yes, this was primarily for temporary troubleshooting purposes.

I checked the basic authentication implementation at Journal Plugin Demo. That’s neat approach. (Kibana app screen was spinning indefinitely though… FYI).