Error when importing course from old native OpenEdx installation

Hello folks,

I have courses created with scorm-xblock on and am trying to import them to the latest Tutor installation and am facing the following issue.

cms_1|raise ItemNotFoundError(block_key)
cms_1|xmodule.modulestore.exceptions.ItemNotFoundError: BlockKey(type='scormxblock', id='some-id')

Are you referring to this xblock? GitHub - raccoongang/edx_xblock_scorm: XBlock to display SCORM content within the Open edX LMS. Editable within Open edx Studio. Will save student state and report scores to the progress tab of the course. Currently supports SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 standard.
This xblock is not included in Tutor by default, as it was replaced by this other one: GitHub - overhangio/openedx-scorm-xblock: SCORM XBlock for Open edX
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to run both xblocks side by side. I suggest either that:

  1. You migrate all units from edx_xblock_scorm to openedx-scorm-xblock.
  2. You customise the “openedx” Docker image from tutor to remove the “openedx-scorm-xblock” package and install “edx_xblock_scorm” instead.

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