Customise Studio Theme

How to modify CMS theming like replace logos and footer links as we have only one config.yml in indigo theme…

I am using indigo theme…

I am unable to replace openedx logo in studio unlike lms…

Hi @hkpanchani! Did you attempt to follow the instructions from this topic? HOWTO Customise the Open edX platform logo

For indigo you simply replace the studio-logo.png static file.

yes logo it is done… But how to customise logo which is in the footer. I would like to change the index page of the studio.

Like i would like to develop theme for cms also just like lms

You can follow the same hierarchical logic for theming with the cms.

@hkpanchani, you’ll have to adhere to the same structure. See this example from Stanford’s Lagunita platform. It’s a bit old, but serves to illustrate: