User has no social auth with backend_name tpa-saml

I have an issue with open edx, I have set up the setting of open edx for SSO and whenever user clicks on start course from a learning platform (we have created multiple microsites as a dashboard frontend which is linked with openedx) which is then supposed to redirect to edx lms to see the course content.

So in above case as soon as user clicks on start course, user is routed to login page of openedx, now as we have integrated sso the user should be automatically logged into openedx and can see the course content, but instead of that user stucks into login page with blank screen and therefore cant see the content, when i checked the logs in lms it says:

So in above case as soon as user clicks on start course, user is routed to login page of openedx, now as we have integrated sso the user should be automatically logged into openedx and can see the course content, but instead of that user stucks into login page with blank screen and therefore cant see the content, when i checked the logs in lms it says:
user has no social auth with backend_name tpa-saml

lms_1                | [pid: 7|app: 0|req: 300739/713149] () {62 vars in 1300 bytes} [Fri Mar 15 09:29:53 2024] POST /auth/complete/tpa-saml/ => generated 0 bytes in 1668 msecs (HTTP/1.1 302) 11 headers in 721 bytes (1 switches on core 0)
lms_1                | 2024-03-15 09:29:55,287 INFO 23 [openedx.core.djangoapps.cors_csrf.helpers] [user None] [ip] - Origin '' was not in `CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST`; full referer was '' and requested host was ''; CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL=False
lms_1                | [pid: 23|app: 0|req: 301342/713150] () {56 vars in 1146 bytes} [Fri Mar 15 09:29:55 2024] GET /login => generated 42860 bytes in 120 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 8 headers in 610 bytes (1 switches on core 0)
lms_1                | 2024-03-15 09:29:55,571 INFO 7 [tracking] [user None] [ip] - {"name": "/api/user/v1/account/login_session/", "context": {"user_id": null, "path": "/api/user/v1/account/login_session/", "course_id": "", "org_id": "", "enterprise_uuid": ""}, "username": "", "session": "a4848190834925a3576663733901f6ee", "ip": "", "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0", "host": "", "referer": "", "accept_language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "event": "{\"GET\": {}, \"POST\": {\"email\": [\"\"], \"password\": \"********\"}}", "time": "2024-03-15T09:29:55.571416+00:00", "event_type": "/api/user/v1/account/login_session/", "event_source": "server", "page": null}
lms_1                | 2024-03-15 09:29:55,596 INFO 7 [openedx.core.djangoapps.cors_csrf.helpers] [user None] [ip] - Origin '' was not in `CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST`; full referer was '' and requested host was ''; CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL=False
lms_1                | 2024-03-15 09:29:55,625 INFO 7 [audit] [user None] [ip] - Login failed - user with username 6a6820b2cf8d458b950082846b4040 has no social auth with backend_name tpa-saml
lms_1                | [pid: 7|app: 0|req: 300740/713151] () {64 vars in 1397 bytes} [Fri Mar 15 09:29:55 2024] POST /api/user/v1/account/login_session/ => generated 495 bytes in 1276 msecs (HTTP/1.1 403) 8 headers in 418 bytes (1 switches on core 0)

I am ready to give any further information about this issue if required.

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