Tutor Kubernetes Cluster

Hi all, I am starting to scale Open Edx using tutor k8s quickstart. Unfortunately, I get stuck at Database creation and migrations step. I’m using Kubernetes version 1.22.4

Here are the error messages:
        Database creation and migrations
Waiting for a caddy deployment to be ready...
kubectl wait --namespace openedx --selector=app.kubernetes.io/instance=openedx-33q1MrshscYGgzx2yqUevQR4,app.kubernetes.io/name=caddy --for=condition=Available=True --timeout=600s deployment
error: timed out waiting for the condition on deployments/caddy
Error: Command failed with status 1: kubectl wait --namespace openedx --selector=app.kubernetes.io/instance=openedx-33q1MrshscYGgzx2yqUevQR4,app.kubernetes.io/name=caddy --for=condition=Available=True --timeout=600s deployment

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