Tutor 3.6.3 Notes plugin error

Hi Regis,

Could you please advise on how I can resolve the error I got when i try to enable the notes plugin?

I upgraded to 3.6.3 today and after that tried to enable the notes plugin by:

  1. tutor plugins enable notes
  2. tutor config save
  3. tutor local quickstart

I get the following error:
"Pulling notes (overhangio/openedx-notes:3.6.3)…

ERROR: manifest for overhangio/openedx-notes:3.6.3 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Error: Command failed with status 1: docker-compose -f /home/ubuntu/.local/share/tutor/env/local/docker-compose.yml --project-name tutor_local run --rm --entrypoint sh -e -c notes ./manage.py migrate --settings=notesserver.settings.tutor"

Tkx in advance for your help,

Hi @CherieCAF! This issue was fixed in the latest release of the notes plugin. Please upgrade both tutor and the plugin:

pip install --upgrade tutor-openedx tutor-notes

Or download the latest tutor binary release which includes the latest notes plugin.

Many thanks Regis. That resolved the error.