The support for this usage was removed in Celery 5.0

Hi, I am getting error in lms-worker and cms-worker.

lms-worker_1     | Error: no such option: --app
lms-worker_1     | You are using `--app` as an option of the worker sub-command:
lms-worker_1     | celery worker --app celeryapp <...>
lms-worker_1     | 
lms-worker_1     | The support for this usage was removed in Celery 5.0. Instead you should use `--app` as a global option:
lms-worker_1     | celery --app celeryapp worker <...>
lms-worker_1     | Usage: celery worker [OPTIONS]
lms-worker_1     | Try 'celery worker --help' for help.
lms-worker_1     | 
lms-worker_1     | Error: no such option: --app

Tutor version 12.0.1 (lilac)

I do not observe this issue. Are you running a fork of edx-platform? If yes, what changes did you make?

Hi @regis

i am not using a fork, its default which comes with tutor.

Which tutor version are you running? (tutor --version)

Tutor version 12.0.1(lilac)

Did you install any custom xblock or make any kind of modification to the openedx Docker image?

Hi @regis ,

I installed django-celery-beat it upgraded the celery version, that caused the problem.

Thanks for the help.

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