Setting edx/bootstrap theme dev environment

Just looking for some steps to setup edx/bootstrap theme the right way.

The instructions for installing a custom theme can be found in the docs here:

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Thanks frthe starter, I was trying to setup theme from “marvel-theme-howthron” – [67f182c] followed the below steps in your tutorial, When this theme is applied even logo is not getting applied.

<img  class="logo" src="/static/${settings.FEATURES.get('MARVEL_DEFAULT_HAWTHORN_SITE_THEME', settings.DEFAULT_SITE_THEME)}/images/logo.png" alt="${_("{platform_name} Home Page").format(platform_name=static.get_platform_name())}"/>

above is the logo loading template.

When inspected the site, static URL for the logo was set to “http://localhost:8000/static/**None**/images/logo.png”, If I modify the template and run http://localhost:8000/static/mytheme/images/logo.png it is working. Eventually, settings.DEFAULT_SITE_THEME is returning None. Is this expected behaviour?