Scorm Xblock Not Showing in Advance Components in Lilac OpenEDX

Hi Team,

After successful installation of Open EDX using bitnami VM version and following the steps for installing Scorm Xblock using the below method

" GitHub - overhangio/openedx-scorm-xblock: SCORM XBlock for Open edX "

We are still not able to find scorm block in the Advance units. Please help in how to proceed further to get the scorm block in OpenEDX " bitnami-edx-12.3.0-lilac.3-17-r04-linux-debian-10-x86_64-nami" version.

Hi @adhirocks2! Usually, the reason why an xblock cannot be loaded is because there is some incompatibility in the code.

  • First of all, what version did you install? If you run Lilac then you should install v12: pip install openedx-scorm-xblock<13.0.0.
  • Did you restart your cms/studio process?
  • Do you manage to import the xblock code? To do so run: ./ cms shell -c "import openedxscorm.scormxblock" 9you should also pass your settings as argument here)

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