Question about appsembler xblock

Hi everyone,

I just discoverd so many things last 24 hours : I was looking for a teaching platform for my students (I’m temporary software development lecturer and teacher). My goal was to find an open-source, self-hosted platform which allow to use cloud-based labs. And I read this article :

I just discoverd Open edX and tutor ! So bravo Régis ! Stuning work !

I was just wondering if someone ever tried this xblock :

Are xblock generally stable ?

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Hi @trash-anger! Thanks for the compliment :wink:
I never tried the launchcontainer xblock myself, as I don’t have access to Wharf, but maybe you could ask someone from Appsembler? It would be awesome if they could create a tutor plugin…

Ok. So I won’t be able to use it for free…
Do you know if its possible to use the edx jwt in another place ?

Something like :
in tutor/tutor/templates/local/docker-compose.yml
adding an env var to share the jwt key (OPENEDX_SECRET_KEY ?)

The idea would be to use new route inside the nginx, use nginx to validate the jwt coming from edx, and rewrite with nginx to pass the jwt to params.

Then I’ll be able to launch a ttyd or a gotty with a script which will launch a new container foreach users.