Not able to add the unit to the course

Hi @ regis
I am not able to add the unit to the course as the error says .
“GET /static/studio/common/js/vendor/bootstrap.js HTTP/1.1” 404 1714
“GET /static/studio/common/js/vendor/popper.js HTTP/1.1” 404 1705
“GET /static/studio/common/js/vendor/popper.js HTTP/1.1” 404 1705
“GET /static/studio/common/js/vendor/bootstrap.js HTTP/1.1” 404 1714

For more reference see the imaes attached

Hmmm… i also get the same error. Anyone manage to resolve the issue?

Hi @bwayne! This issue was raised almost a year ago. The 404 errors noted by the OP are not relevant, as they happen to everyone without consequence (there is even an upstream bug about this). You will need to post more detailed explanations if you want to get more help. I suggest you create a new topic.