No "Course visibility" entry in 13.2.2

The [seo.enable_anonymous_courseware_access] Waffle flag seems to work in Tutor 13.1.11 but not in 13.2.2 (or 2.0 and 2.1 for that matter). The only difference I can find is that 13.1.11 has MFE plugin 13.0.2 while 13.2.2. uses MFE plugin version 13.0.4. Is this relevant? Any ideas about what can cause this problem?

Thanks in advance,
Helge Hoivik

It worked for me after I cleared the cache:

tutor local run lms ./ lms shell -c "from django.core.cache import cache; cache.clear()"

Thanks for feedback and suggestion. I did a clean install and flushed the cache.
Same result …
Any further hints?
Thanks in advance!


This is the environment for the recent test installations. I run Ubuntu update & upgrade before installation and follow the instructions at Releases · overhangio/tutor · GitHub

@helgeh I moved your last post here to keep the conversation focused.

  1. What is the output of tutor --version?
  2. What is the output of tutor plugins list?
  3. What are the exact urls where the error is occurring? (both of them)
  4. Since there seems to be some kind of error client-side, is there anything that is printed in the browser developer console? Please also add a screenshot of the network tab.

When possible, please copy-paste error messages and stacktraces, and avoid screenshots. This makes it easier for other people with the same issue to google the solution.

tutor, version 13.2.2

tutor plugins list
android (disabled) 13.0.0
discovery (disabled) 13.0.1
ecommerce (disabled) 13.0.1
forum (disabled) 13.0.0
license (disabled) 13.0.0
mfe 13.0.4
minio (disabled) 13.0.1
noreg 0.1.0
notes (disabled) 13.0.1
richie (disabled) 13.0.0
webui (disabled) 13.0.2
xqueue (disabled) 13.0.0

It seems to me that there is a problem with CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) so that requests for is blocked by the browser since it is not delivered over HTTPS.

I am using the URL:

Browsers have problems with, while prefix for studio and review works fine.

Problem with Course | KLADDE.ONLINE

but not with

Browser Console shows:

11Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

I am using Cloudflare with Automatic HTTPS Rewrites activated

Does anyone know if this require an additional header from Tutor or if it should be handled by the client browser (or Cloudflare CDN)?

Thanks for all previous tips and feedback!


Is Cloudflare handling SSL termination? What is the output of tutor config printvalue ENABLE_HTTPS?


When turning off “Automatic HTTPS rewrites” in Cloudflare, the error persist in standard Chrome browser, but not in Beta version 102.0.5005.61

I did therefore run “tutor local quickstart” with ENABLE_HTTPS set to YES.
Turning “Automatic rewrites HTTPS” on and off in Cloudflare.

Error on all browser with message “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” and Console message “(index):6772 crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.”

Trying to investigate a bit more I have set up two servers in identical ways except for ENABLE_HTTPS set to FALSE (N) and TRUE (Y) respectively.

I am not well versed on how this works, but it seems that there is a problem with CORS (Cross-Origins Resource Sharing) where Chrome in some cases does not accept images that are served over HTTP.

Is this related to the ENABLE_HTTPS-function in Tutor, i.e. that some elements are sent over HTTPS and others are sent over HTTP?

Here are outputs from the Chrome Developer Tools Console for the standard Chrome browser (latest version) and the Chrome Beta browser. The two do not behave identically.

Website URL

tutor --version
tutor, version 13.2.2

tutor plugins list
android (disabled) 13.0.0
change-password 1.0.0
discovery (disabled) 13.0.1
ecommerce (disabled) 13.0.1
forum (disabled) 13.0.0
license (disabled) 13.0.0
mfe 13.0.4
minio (disabled) 13.0.1
noreg 0.1.0
notes (disabled) 13.0.1
richie (disabled) 13.0.0
webui (disabled) 13.0.2
xqueue (disabled) 13.0.0

tutor config printvalue ENABLE_HTTPS

Chrome Beta 103.0.5060.24
Shows content page
Console err message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Chrome Latest official release 102.0.5005.63
Shows blank page
Console err message: Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
home:1 Mixed Content: The page at ‘Course | Tutor Richie’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure favicon ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://fakfhlanoeblenimbdkeinpkfbghdeff/ System error: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

– compared to

Website URL

tutor --version
tutor, version 13.2.2

tutor plugins list
android 13.0.0
discovery 13.0.1
ecommerce (disabled) 13.0.1
forum (disabled) 13.0.0
license (disabled) 13.0.0
mfe 13.0.4
minio (disabled) 13.0.1
noreg 0.1.0
notes 13.0.1
richie (disabl 13.0.0
webui (disabled) 13.0.2
xqueue (disabled) 13.0.0

tutor config printvalue ENABLE_HTTPS

Chrome Beta version 103.0.5060.24
Shows content page
Shows console err message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Chrome Latest official release 102.0.5005.63

Note: On the DNS Cloudflare
Alwas Use HTTPS is set to TRUE
Automatic HTTPS Rewrite is set to TRUE

Shows content page
Shows console err message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
LmsHtmlFragment.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
LmsHtmlFragment.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://fakfhlanoeblenimbdkeinpkfbghdeff/ System error: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

If you want to use HTTPS, then you must keep ENABLE_HTTPS=True and configure Caddy to not act as the web proxy. Please read the docs: Running Open edX behind a web proxy — Tutor documentation

To be honest, I find it quite deplorable that you write such a rant complaining that Tutor does not work for you when you did not even bother mentioning the important fact that you are running your platform behind a proxy.

Thank you for following up on this!

“Deplorable” is strong language. I understand that this case provoked you. I was, on my side, increasingly irritated by the “public-relation” profile of simplicity that you have developed. The use of Tutor is in fact quite complex and in continuous change. Maybe you could also look into this side of the matter?

I have tested with and without the proxy with the same results so it was not that I “did not bother”.

Bygone is bygone. I appreciate the substantial work that is put into Tutor and online support. I look forward to try out Nutmeg with and without the proxy.


Update and closure of this thread:

Using Tutor v13.2.3 today with


and Cloudflare with

  • proxy ON
  • redirect HTTP to HTTPS set to TRUE
  • automatic rewrites set to TURE

the site on now works with
Chrome version 102.0.5005.63 without 40x errors.

Thank you for support, Regis!

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