Invalid option on webpack-cli version 4+


I’m helping to develop a MFE and we’ve updated a lot of components
We’ve updated a lot of the edx libraries and one of the dependencies it brought in was that it uses webpack-cli v 4+ which has changed the --disable-host-check to --no-firewall

See: Error: Unknown option ‘–disable-host-check’ · Issue #916 · symfony/webpack-encore (

how possible is to customise the command used in the generation of the yaml file so that we can change for our MFE the webpack-cli command options/line.

Hey @Salik-Rafiq,
If you modify the MFEs to the point that the webpack versions are also different, then I’m not sure what I can do for you. I strongly suggest you create your own Docker image. You can also override the development command by creating a docker-compose.override.yml file in the $(tutor config printroot)/env/dev folder.

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