How to install the invideoquiz plugin?

So I have read the docs here Getting started with plugin development — Tutor documentation, but I have not been able to successfully install the invideoquiz plugin GitHub - edx/xblock-in-video-quiz

I am hoping someone can list the exact steps to installing this pluing. I ssh’d into my instance. cloneed the repo. Ran pip install and everything said it was successful but when I went to enable my plugin it did not work. It was also not in plugins list.

Hello @empowrco. Xblocks and plugins are slightly different. Xblocks add functionality to a course. Tutor plugins allow you to enable or customise system-wide features in Open edX, such as enabling Google Analytics or enabling SSO authentication.

You can follow the guide on installing Xblocks.

Here is how you enable xblocks in a course:

Try this:

# Export the xblock to the build requirements file and rebuild the images
echo "git+" >> "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/private.txt"
tutor images build openedx

# Restart to use the images with the xblocks
tutor local stop
tutor local start -d

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