Hardware requirements

I’m setting up an LMS for my company which is small and has a minimal budget. I know that something like Moodle is probably the default choice for this kind of project, but after spending about 4 hours with it I felt the UI was painful. After doing a fair amount of research open edX really looks perfect for our needs.

My company currently uses DigitalOcean basic droplets for their servers. I wondered if a basic droplet like this would suffice for open edX:

2GB, 1vCPU, 2TB transfer, 50GB SSD. That would come in at $10 a month.

The maximum number of concurrent users would probably be 10 in the short-term and 50 in the long-term. So no great demands I would think.

I would strongly recommend you opt for the 4GB droplet ($20/month): Install Tutor — Tutor documentation. Otherwise you will have to swap a lot. This is not a matter of number of users: the python processes for the LMS and the CMS simply use a lot of memory. Docker image building requires quite a bit of memory, too.

Thanks very much for that advice.