Add block in lms.env.json

I would like to add this block to lms.env.json via plugin… How to add it through plugin?

    "name": "Honor",
    "slug": "honor",
    "bulk_sku": null,
    "currency": "usd",
    "description": null,
    "expiration_datetime": null,
    "min_price": 0,
    "sku": null,
    "suggested_prices": ""


$ tutor plugins printroot

$ mkdir “$(tutor plugins printroot)”

$ cd “$(tutor plugins printroot)”

$ touch myplugin.yml

name : myplugin
version: 0.1.0
        lms-env: |
            "COURSE_MODE_DEFAULTS": {
                    "name": "Honor",
                    "slug": "honor",
                    "bulk_sku": null,
                    "currency": "usd",
                    "description": null,
                    "expiration_datetime": null,
                    "min_price": 0,
                    "sku": null,
                    "suggested_prices": "" }

$ tutor plugins list

$ tutor plugins enable myplugin

$ tutor config save

$ tutor local quickstart

God Luck !
