I believe the error message is quite explicit here: “You must specify your birth year before you can share your full profile. To specify your birth year, go to the Account Settings page.”.
Learner records should be disabled on your platform. To do so, you should create a site configuration with "ENABLE_LEARNER_RECORDS": false. I created an upstream PR to make it possible to disable this feature globally: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/25182
This change will be cherry-picked in Tutor’s edx-platform; this means that you will not have to create a site configuration in the next release (probably v10.2.3).
I encountered simillar problem. what do I have to do exactly? go to lms.yml and add this tag with false? also I am wondering how can I enable date tab in my instance? I need to do something on admin django waffles switch and flag but not sure what exactly