Using RWX volumes on k8s

Hi! I am trying to get Open edX up on a Kubernetes Cluster and was able to deploy it with ease thanks to Tutor!

However, while trying out the studio I noticed that file uploads are stored in MongoDB. Another alternative seems to be running MinIO and using it for storage. The k8s cluster I am using supports RWX volumes and I was thinking if I could directly use the volumes for my storage purpose as it will also be easy and faster to snapshot the volumes. I would be grateful if I could get some help as to what all configuration changes need to be done and where to mount the volume to achieve this.


Good catch @umar! Unfortunately, storing file uploads in Mongodb is a feature that is embedded deep inside the edx-platform modulestore component, and there is no real alternative to change that for the moment. Note that there is work-in-progress to get rid of MongoDb and move the data to MySQL, though: Store split modulestore's course indexes in Django/MySQL (Take 2) by bradenmacdonald · Pull Request #29058 · edx/edx-platform · GitHub

Thanks for the reply @regis! According to these docs, some files are persisted on the disk. I am running multiple replicas of LMS and CMS pods and have mounted three ReadWriteMany volumes on these paths -

* CMS: 
1. /openedx/media: media
2. /openedx/data: cms-data

* CMS Worker: 
1. /openedx/media: media
2. /openedx/data: cms-data

* LMS: 
1. /openedx/media: media
2. /openedx/data: lms-data

* LMS Worker: 
1. /openedx/media: media
2. /openedx/data: lms-data

I hope this will take care of all the data that needs to be persisted on the disk.

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