Tutor is not good enough. Will this change?

I am sorry that Tutor does not work for you – but really, Tutor does work very well for many people. I am open to constructive criticism to make Tutor and Open edX better. If you are part of a large organization with consequential funding and engineering resources, and if you really want to use Open edX and Tutor, then it is expected from you that you contribute back to the project, either financially or with your technical expertise. This is just how open source works.

The standard installation does “work in the professed way”. Maple is the current stable release. Open edX does run correctly on Chrome on standard Windows machines, as far as I know. If one of your platforms works and the other does not, then you should know that there must be some sort of difference between them. As an engineer, it is your job to report the issue in a professional manner.

This is only partly correct. As a BDFL I act as a central point to manage and coordinate the project, but maintainers do contribute code and respond to forum queries. I would not be able to keep supporting the project without the rest of the community.