Sections and Subsections' strange behavior on Fresh Install

Hi @regis

I’m on the verge to launch a production instance of Tutor 10.1.0. I realized that sections and subsections behave strangely (after i imported a course). So i deployed a fresh install of Tutor on AWS to check it.

In the new instance, I edited the demo course by creating 1 section having two subsections. Each subsection has two units (See below)…

When i go the LMS this is what I see.

No trace of the units, and subsections do not unfold!



BTW, the faulty structure is common to the other sections

In the CMS

In the LMS

Do you have content/components in the Units? You need that for it to show.

@ak00001 Yes! Units hold videos

Hi all!

I have just finished installing a Native instance of EDX!

I figured out that this is “a new feature” in Juniper! not a faulty structure. Edx opted for a horizontal navigation… Not sure if it was a super great idea!
