Thanks for the response @fghaas, for now we will try to incorporate the sealed secret configuration the way you describe by modifying the k8s files locally.
However, I am interested in more configurability within the k8s files in general. The sealed secret is one thing but adding resources much like this ticket describes would be ideal for our deployment. When deploying to the cluster we need to allocate the resource allocation manually via the Kubernetes interface on our third party hosted kubernetes cluster. Ideally we could configure this as well. Given I am new to the Tutor project I am not sure what the best way to implement this would be, but maybe something similar to the way custom theming is implemented? This may not be the best way of thinking about it given CSS is fundamentally driven by the cascading workflow supporting overiding out of the box, and I am not sure K8s supports this without implementing something like Helm.
Without adding another technology to the stack the other option I see would be to add more patching throughout the k8s files. Again with my lack of experience with the Tutor source code I am not sure that this is a good approach? If this was the approach ideally we could help contribute this code to the baseline and incorporate it in future realeases as opposed to forking the code and dealing with upgrade issues in the future.