Install Custom Registration Form Plugin on Tutor

This is actually a very bad idea which is likely to break your platform.

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Hi @regis and thanks for warning,
But is it related to Koa or? because after changes on custom models, forms, fields I always use same commands ?


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This is not specific to Koa ā€“ at least, not that I know of. If you make changes to certain models, then yes you will want to generate migrations, but not for all models. Instead, you probably want to generate models only for your customized application. For instance:

./ lms makemigrations custom_reg_form

Thanks for clarification @regis and sorry for that @nadheemabdulla
I thought that

./ lms makemigrations

effects just models which has been changed(custom_reg_form) after last migrations, not all LMS, CMSā€¦ But I will remember that thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks again for the help.

I would like to add 1. Gender ( not optional) 2. Date of birth 3. Mobile number and 4 Nationality

to see if it works, I used this fork of Opencraft Custom-form-app (as Opencraft custom form appā€™s django version is incompatible with Koa)

Thank you so much @regis and @qali !

Iā€™ll try with this.

Hi @nadheemabdulla,
Here is a little demo which is consist of just one extra field(phone number).

It works and has possibility download data as CSV format, from the Django admin side. Actually I tried to make ā€œGenderā€ and " Date of birth" as Required fields, but that was not easy for me, bacause overridding fileds which already exist, effects the other fields. But you can try that on your test server. And this example from Appsembler

may can help you for overidding existing files.

Thanks and god luck !


Thanks for the help @qali
Iā€™ll try this way.

Hi @qali I could make the phone number field working.
Thank you so much! :heart:

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@qali on your page it also says you can ā€œdownload all information from the Django admin site as a CSV fileā€. Can you provide some guidance for how the Django download works, in the repo documentation? I donā€™t see anything jumping out at me for how to download the data when I go to the Django interface.

@oedx You can access the added registration information on django admin at

  • sign-in with the admin username and password
  • Go to Extra infos under CUSTOM_REG_FORM
  • You can see all the extra registration information listed.
  • Select the users you are interested in and choose download CSV from Actions and Go
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The problem is that when I go to the Django admin page and search for ā€œExtraā€ or ā€œCUSTOM_REG_FORMā€, I get no hits (neither do I see it when eyeballing it alphabetically). I can see that the custom registration form is in effect through when I sign out and go to register, so I know the plugin is working.

Edit: Oh wow, usually Iā€™m just lazy so I edit my URL to be to get to Django. But I just found out that itā€™s only if I go to (not prepended with studio) that I can see the CUSTOM_REG_FORM entry! Accidentally learned something today!