Help with interface customization

Hi! Thank you for the support, I have another question, can you please help me?

Currently, we are using the Indigo theme, it’s excellent, thank you very much, we just want to customize some options but we can not seem to find in which file or files we can do it, the objects are:

  1. We want to have a custom webpage to help our students, where could we edit the link to redirect them?

  2. We would like to make our logo bigger, I checked on the _extras.scss but I was not able to find the parameter from there

  3. I noticed that we can edit the link for our facebook profiile, where can we do it?

Thank you very much, please let me know if you need any extra information from us, and if you could help us with at least one of them, we would really appreciate it!

José Mayorga

Hi @jmayorga19,
All redirections is possible on In this example domain name(LMS) is

You can redirect from yourdomain absolute path(exclude your domain name)
to your Facebook site… like this example above.(from login page to custom login service)

I am not sure, but parameters for customization your logo, should be like this example below

.header-global h1.logo img {
	max-height: 40px;
.global-header .header-logo a .logo {
    float: left;
    height: 75px;
    border-radius: 50%;

Hi! Thank you very much :smiley: I appreciate your help, I did not know you could do this thanks, I just have one doubt, I understand you can redirect from the LMS to another webpage, but for example, the link from the help button on the header is going to edX documentation ( and the facebook directs to, maybe this is simple I’m sorry, but to redirect these types of links, can you still do it on the admin website?

Hi @jmayorga19,
I mean /login, /register, /help, /about, /account/settings etc. Like this URLs can redirect from /admin site. But you must add your domain to /admin/sites/site/
But Like this URL, actually I am not sure. You may override and change href in this tamplate? and may be there is another way, I don’t now ?
Rigth now I have no oppurtunity to test it, sorry about that ( my new job not related to Openedx anymore)

Good luck and Happy New Year :slight_smile:

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Thank you! You were very helpful, I appreciate your time. Happy new year and good luck on your new job!