Error when trying to render indigo theme

I am trying to install the indigo theme to tutor. I have cloned the tutor repo, and placed the directory in my tutor themes directory <tutor/env/build/openedx/themes/>.

I get an error when I run the render command tutor config render --extra-config ./indigo/config.yml ./indigo/theme "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/themes/indigo"

Please advise me on what may be going wrong.

Usage: tutor config render [OPTIONS] SRC DST Try 'tutor config render -h' for help. Error: Invalid value for '-x' / '--extra-config': File './indigo/config.yml' does not exist.

you should place the theme in your server root, not in <tutor/env/build/openedx/themes/>. And after render tutor will render the theme in that directory

Thank you Adrian. I don’t think I understand where the server root is. Is it not in the tutor directory that is installed when I run tutor local quickstart?

yes. But not here tutor/env/build/openedx/themes. Is your server user directory

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This worked! Thank you!

I was add new URL in indigo/config.yml
Pls, let me know how to apply new change?

How to development the indigo theme?