Enable enrollment codes

How to enable enrollment codes in the E-Commerce service; edx tutorial says that -

run the site configuration command together with the following option.


I am confuse regarding how to proceed with this in tutor.

Ref link - [6.4.4. Enable and Create Enrollment Codes — Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform documentation]

(Disclaimer: I have never performed this exact task myself)

The “site configuration command” that the docs are referring to seems to create_or_update_site: 6.1. Install and Start the E-Commerce Service — Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform documentation

In Tutor you can run this command with:

tutor local run ecommerce ./manage.py create_or_update_site --enable-enrollment-codes=True ...

I have no idea what other arguments should be passed to that command…

Hey @regis, thanks for the reply.
After going through tutor docs and edx i did run this code at terminal with no luck!

tutor local run ecommerce ./manage.py create_or_update_site \
  --site-id=2 \
  --site-domain=ecommerce.local.overhang.io \
  --site-name=prod \
  --partner-code=openedx \
  --partner-name="Open edX" \
  --lms-url-root="http://local.overhang.io" \
  --lms-public-url-root="http://local.overhang.io" \
  --client-side-payment-processor=cybersource \
  --payment-processors=cybersource,paypal \
  --sso-client-id="ecommerce-sso" \
  --sso-client-secret="xxxxx" \
  --backend-service-client-id="ecommerce" \
  --backend-service-client-secret="xxxxxx" \
  --from-email=hangtesting@gmail.com \
  --enable-enrollment-codes=True \
  --discovery_api_url=http://discovery.local.overhang.io/api/v1/ \
  --enable-microfrontend-for-basket-page=true \

Note: xxxxx is replaced by proper secrets

I really needed bulk enrollment for my work but facing difficulties! Thanks.

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