Ecommerce not working

Hi ,
I am struggling to make the ecommerce work. I have added paypal with below config in the tutor/config.yml file

- paypal
- paypal
cancel_checkout_path: /checkout/cancel-checkout/
client_id: valid_clientid
client_secret: valid_client_secret
error_url: /checkout/error/
mode: sandbox
receipt_url: /checkout/receipt/

I added a course and added it in course mode as honor, enabled one user as finance_admin. then from LMS, I updated fees and saved.
But when I log in as learner & try to enrol in the course, it takes me back to the same course page.
I don’t see any error in the tutor logs so I am guessing probably I didn’t configure ecommerce properly.
Can you guide me in the right direction how to resolve this?

Hi mahiprojects,
Ecommerce setup is not the easy thing; however, I find the logs to be very helpful knowing what is the problem. What is the output when you do the following?

tutor local logs --tail=100 ecommerce


Did you follow edX documentation and created a seat for the course mode in the Oscar e-commerce dashboard?