Activating Automatic Email notifications

Hi, I am new to tutor. Can someone please give me some pointers on getting the automatic email updates with respect to the discussion forums and instructor email updates up and running?

Tkx in advance,

Hi @CherieCAF,
I’m not completely familiar with this Open edX feature. Could you please point me to the relevant section from the Open edX documentation?

Hi Regis,

It is the discussion notifications that I am interested in.

I have tried to add the ENABLE_DISCUSSION_NOTIFCATIONS=true setting the the config.ylm and also to change the setting via the lms admin console, but it has not enabled the functionality.

With best regards

Tried to follow
But could not add using config.yml

Here is an example recipe for what you want to do, using the framework for yaml plugin:

  1. Follow the instructions in the official Tutor documentation for creating a yaml plugin file
  2. In your myplugin.yml file, include the following under patches:
  cms-env-features: |
    # myplugin special studio email request settings

See this gist for the whole file: myplugin.yml · GitHub

  1. Activate the plugin and run tutor config save
  2. Restart the platform with tutor local quickstart
  3. Let us know if it worked :slight_smile:

It worked, Thank you very much

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Great solution @ak00001, thanks for this plugin! Do you think it would make sense to enable this feature by default in tutor?

For some it definitely would. I was thinking about sharing an “Educator’s plugin for Tutor”, where common variables used in academia are enabled and configurable through the tutor config save --set ....

Things I will include:

  • SSO with SAML
  • Enable LTI Provider
  • Add custom theme by repo
  • Google Analytics
  • Studio Request Email
  • Waffle Switches for public courses and green checkmark when completing a unit.

Seria genial!!
I love tutor!!
Saludos desde Argentina!

Hello I would like to ask for some help @ak00001
We’ve got an issue and hotmail accounts do not receive activation email.
I’ve found your plugin at github
and also this at tutor documentation
n the lms.yml and studio.yml files add the REGISTRATION_EMAIL_PATTERNS_ALLOWED setting.


If the value for this setting is null , there are no restrictions, and all email addresses are accepted for registration.

Can i use your plugin with null? Would this solve my problem with no receiving emails?

Hello all.
I would like to ask for some help. I got a tutor juniper installation and I’m trying to activate email notification from the discussions forum.
I’ve followed the steps in and added the key value “enable_forum_notifications”:true to the site configurations, but nothing.

Next, I update my plugin and added the patche cms-env-features like instruct by @ak00001 but still, nothing.

I even tried mixing the 2 configurations,but nothing works.

In the logs, I don’t get any entry related to notifications.

I don’t rely know what I’ve missed.

It turns out this was a bug that’s supposedly fixed in Tutor 11.3.0 (though I haven’t been able to see the fixed behavior yet.) See here:

You should try out the upgrade to 11.3.0 and see if it works for you.